NO. GOD mentions no physical place in the original Bible relating to a wonderful euphoric place like heaven. If reaching such a wonderful place was conditioned upon certain terms and behavior, GOD would have mentioned it, or else it may be a tricky GOD which we don’t want to follow?
The feeling of “heaven,” however, does exist. When you’re in love or when you reach any such high emotional state. In short, heaven is here. Would you want me to prove it to you? Read the next tab:
Do you believe that heaven is a wonderful place you should inspire to be? Do you really believe that heaven is better than life on earth?
If you answered “yes”, then would you end your life right now and move there, to heaven?
I would guess your answer is “no” and therefore the conclusion is that:
Conclusion: there is no physical heaven or if there is, it’s here on earth and you can live in it.
For you, as human, and as proven in the previous answer, heaven is here, on earth, when you understand life and GOD. Your soul nefesh 430 נפש or higher soul neshama 395 נשמה, however, may be joining the other souls.
To be completed.
NO. There is no physical place with fire and demons. There is no such place of punishment in the original bible. The expression of “hell” or “go to hell” only refers to psychological discomfort or torture. In the original Bible, the words that are equivalent to hell are; “sheol,” deep dark place “azazel,”
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We understand GOD scientifically (cross-referencing any assumption with past or scientific facts eliminating religious influence) based on his original Bible and his own WOG (Word Of GOD) in his very own Hebrew words and based on GOD’s 32 mathematical codes called code2GOD (Patent Pending). We welcome professional contests to prove our vast, first-time-ever, understanding of the true GOD.
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More precisely: Is GOD aware of everything I do?
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