Conception is the moment when one sperm, out of 180 million, penetrates the egg in a fertilization act, and the zygote cell is created to rapidly multiply and create the embryo and the fetus. Since doctors can’t determine the day of conception (beginning of the pregnancy) they are left to use inaccurate proximity by asking the pregnant woman to remember the first day of her menstrual and for the doctor to add 2 weeks. And that’s how science determines the first day of pregnancy.
Since science is less exact and uses weeks rather than single days, we divided the exact coded number by 7. We added the same 2 weeks that doctors add to bring the data to a common denominator.
Throughout the pregnancy, science uses the not all accurate period of “weeks.” All together, science is off by 10-18 days compared to reality. In contrast, the designer of life, GOD, determined the fetus’s growth by the day.
GOD encoded each of the 22 Biblical Hebrew letters with unique values between 1 and 510, based on code#1+2 of the code2GOD table below. Therefore, each word has a coded value which is the sum of the coded letters. Each of the fetus organ’s Biblical name. The sum is more scientifically advanced and accurate than today’s science can offer. Only the creator of life (GOD) and the original Bible, can know it. Hence, this is the Scientific Proof Of GOD (SPOG).
Organ functionality day is when it first starts to function for its intended purpose; the heart’s first beat, the brain’s first electric pulse, or the kidney filtering. It can also be interchangeably thought of as “healthy.” If it is not functional by the set date, it is unhealthy. The determination of functionality is up to the Creator, but it matches medical standards for almost all organs.
God encoded 6 intricate methods, which indicate the standing of the creator towards each organ:
From a human perspective, God is the entity responsible for the formation of life and/or the entity that impacts your life experiences and, ultimately, your happiness or misery. Essentially, “the Creator.”
Stomach is "beten בטן" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 61 (50ב2+ט9+ן) *see code2GOD table; designed to become functional exactly on the 61st day from conception. Science confirms: it is functional in week 11 (61/7+2=10.7) of pregnancy.
Brain is "moach מח" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 48 (מ40+ח8)* to become functional exactly on the 48th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 9 (48/7+2=8.9) of pregnancy.
Liver is "kaved כבד" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 26 (כ20+ב2+ד4)* to become functional exactly on the 26th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in the 6th week (26/7+2=5.7) of pregnancy.
Blood is "dam דם" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 44 (40ם4+ד)* to become functional exactly on the 44th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in the 9th week (44/7+2=8.3) of pregnancy.
Eye is עין (“ein”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 130=ע70+י10+ן50 (Hebrew letters with their respective coded values), while eyes are עיניים (“einayim”) are coded 190=ע70+י10+נ50+י10+י10+ם40 (also 180=ע70+י10+נ50+י10+ם40). GOD designed the eye/s to become functional in two stages, each with an exact date: (1) the 130th day from conception (eyes are formed), which is the 21st week (130/7+2= 20.6) of pregnancy. (2) on the 180th day from conception (eyes open), which is the 28th week (180/7+2=27.7) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 21st week, the eyes open, and during the 28th week, the eyes are fully formed, eyebrows and lashes appear, eyes are open, rapid eye movements are detected, and the fetus is blinking. A complex sequence of deviations, including rotary components of the eyes.
Heart is "lev לב" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 32 (ל30+ב2)* to become functional exactly on the 32nd day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 7 (32/7+2=6.6) of pregnancy.
Taste is "ta-am טעם" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 119 (ט9+ע70+ם40)* to become functional exactly on the 119th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 19 (119/7+2=19) of pregnancy.
Ears is "oznayim" 108 =א1 ז7 נ50 י10 ם40
Ear is אזנים ("oznayim") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 108. That means GOD designed the ear to become functional (fetus can detect sounds at 500 hz) on the 108th day from conception (17.4 wks of pregnancy). Science confirms.
Ear is "oznayim אזנים" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 108 (50ב2+ט9+ן) based on the code2GOD table; designed to become functional exactly on the 61st day from conception. Science confirms: functional in the 11th week (61/7+2=10.7) of pregnancy.
Hand is "yadayim ידיים" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 74 (י10+ד4+י10+י10+ם40)* to become functional exactly on the 74th day from conception. Science confirms: it is functional in week 13 (74/7+2=12.6) of pregnancy.
Mouth is "pe פה" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 85 (פ80+ה5)* to become functional exactly on the 85th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 15 (85/7+2=14.1) of pregnancy.
Bone is "etzem עצם" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 200 (40ע70+צ90+ם)* to become functional exactly on the 200th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 31 (200/7+2=30.6) of pregnancy.
Fetus is "ubar עובר" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 278 (200ע90+ו6+ב2+ר)* to become functional exactly on the 278th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 42 (278/7+2=41.7) of pregnancy.
Nose is "af אף" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 81 (א1+ף80)* to become functional exactly on the 81st day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 14 (81/7+2=13.6) of pregnancy.
Kidney is "kilia כליה" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 65 (כ20+ל30+י10+ה5)* to become functional exactly on the 65th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in the week 11-12 (11.3/7+2=11.3) of pregnancy.
Lung is "rei-a ריאה" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 216 (כ200+ל30+י10+ה5)* to become functional exactly on the 216th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 33 (216/7+2=32.8) of pregnancy.
Digestive system is "ekul עיכול" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 136 (ע70+י10+כ20+ו6+ל30)* to become functional exactly on the 136th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 25 (136/7+2=24.1) of pregnancy.
Gender is "meem מין" in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 100 (מ40+י10+ן50)* to become functional exactly on the 100th day from conception. Science confirms: functional in week 17 (100/7+2=16.3) of pregnancy.
To be completed.
Each of the 22 Hebrew letters is coded with 2 unique values between 1 and 510. As a result, each word in Hebrew and each organ in the body is coded with GOD’s messaging to humanity. The code2GOD system is made of 32 mathematical methods to decode the original Bible. Code2GOD #1, the table, has been known since GOD created the original Bible. The discovery is one of our Patents Pending.
The word “haim חיים” means “life” and GOD encoded it 68, which means on the 68th day from conception or during the 12th week (68/7+2=11.7) of pregnancy, the fetus is considered alive.
It is important to note that this term is distinct from the words “alive 70 בחיים” or “Hai 18 חי”, which signifies “being alive”. It should also be emphasized that the code2GOD value of “haim חיים” should not be taken as a definitive representation of God’s stance on the issue of abortion.
Interesting: while “life חיים” is 68, “GOD אלהים” is 86, and “Lord יהוה” is 26.
Stomach is בטן (“betten”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 61=50ב2+ט9+ן (*see code2GOD #1 table). GOD designed the stomach to become functional exactly on the 61st day from conception, or the 11th week (61/7+2= 10.7) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 11th week, the stomach becomes functional as the intestine leaves the umbilical cord and returns to the abdomen (or an omphalocele develops), and the rectum and anus form.
Scientific references:
Brain is מח (“moach”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 48=מ40+ח8 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). GOD designed the brain to become functional exactly on the 48th day from conception, or the 9th week (48/7+2= 8.9) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 9th week, the brain becomes functional as the brain’s electric activity has been set and the brain starts to take the shape of a baby’s brain.
Scientific references:
Liver is כבד (“kaved”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 26=כ20+ב2+ד4 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). GOD designed the liver to become functional exactly on the 26th day from conception, or the 6th week (26/7+2= 5.7) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 6th week, the liver becomes independent and functional as hepatic hemopoiesis starts (blood filtering).
Kaved כבד has additional coded meanings:
Scientific evidence:
Blood is דם (“dam”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 44=40ם4+ד (*based on code2GOD #1 table). GOD designed the blood to become functional exactly on the 44th day from conception, or the 9th week (44/7+2= 8.3) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 9th week, the blood becomes functional as transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues is achieved. Deoxygenated blood is returned from the fetal systemic circulation to the placenta.
Dam דם has additional coded meanings:
Scientific evidence:
Eye is עין (“ein”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 130=ע70+י10+ן50 (*based on code2GOD #1 table), while eyes are עיניים (“einayim”) are coded 190=ע70+י10+נ50+י10+י10+ם40 (also 180=ע70+י10+נ50+י10+ם40). GOD designed the eye/s to become functional in two stages, each with an exact date: (1) the 130th day from conception (eyes are formed), which is the 21st week (130/7+2= 20.6) of pregnancy. (2) on the 180th day from conception (eyes open), which is the 28th week (180/7+2=27.7) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 21st week, the eyes open, and during the 28th week, the eyes are fully formed, eyebrows and lashes appear, eyes are open, rapid eye movements are detected, and the fetus is blinking. A complex sequence of deviations, including rotary components of the eyes.
Scientific evidence:
Heart is לב (“lev”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 32=ל30+ב2 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). The heart was designed to become functional exactly on the 32nd day from conception, or the 7th week (32/7+2= 6.6) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 7th week, the heart becomes functional as the formation of the 4-chambered heart is completed. Embryo heartbeat was identifiable after 6 weeks and 4 days.
Scientific evidence:
Taste is טעם (“ta-am”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 119=ט9+ע70+ם40 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). The taste was designed to become functional exactly on the 119th day from conception or the 19-20th week (119/7+2= 19) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: By week 20, the taste becomes functional as the fetus can taste what the mother ate from the amniotic fluid. Taste buds’ signal connection to the brain is established.
Scientific evidence:
Ears are אוזנים (“oznayim”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 128=2×64=א1+ו6+ז7+נ50 and also 114=א1+ו6+ז7+נ50+י10+ם40 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). The ear was designed to become functional on the 114th day from conception or the 19th week (114/7+2=18.3) of pregnancy and possibly also on the 128th day from conception which is (128/7+2=20.3) beginning of the 21st week.
Science confirms: The first response to sounds (500hz) started at week 19 with an extended range (100hz to 3000hz) thereafter.
Scientific evidence:
Hand is ידים (“yadayim”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 64=י10+ד4+י10+ם40 or also 74=י10+ד4+י10+י10+ם40 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). The hand was designed to become functional exactly on the 64th day from conception, or the 11-12th week (64/7+2=11.1) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 11th week, the hands are visibly distinct in the ultrasound.
Scientific evidence:
Mouth is פה (“pe”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 85=פ80+ה5 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). GOD designed the mouth to become functional exactly on the 85th day from conception or the early 15th week (85/7+2= 14.1) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 14th-15th week, the mouth becomes functional as the fetus can make sucking (15 weeks), chewing movements, and swallowing of amniotic fluid at 12 to 14 weeks.
Scientific evidence:
Bone is עצם (“etzem”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 200=40ע70+צ90+ם (*see code2GOD #1 table). The body has exactly 200 real bones. 200 bones and 6 auditory ossicles, together they are known for 206 body bones. However, it seems like GOD doesn’t consider the soft Malleus, Incus, and Stapes of the ear, as real bones.
Science confirms: 200 bones and 6 auditory ossicles (2 of each: Malleus, Incus, and Stapes), together they are known for the 206 body bones.
Scientific evidence:
Fetus is עובר (“ubar”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 278=200ע70+ו6+ב2+ר (*see code2GOD #1 table) which is exactly 10 days longer than the Biblical word for pregnancy, “heraion הריון”, which is coded 271 (271=ה5 ר200 י10 ו6 ן50). That is precisely the number of days from conception to birth according to science.
Interesting related facts that we have only partially been able to decode.
Nose is אף (“af”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 81=א1+ף80 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). GOD designed the nose to become functional exactly on the 81st day from conception or the 14th week (81/7+2= 13.6) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the by the 14th week, the nasal bone is established.
Scientific evidence:
Kidney is כליה (“kilia”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 65=כ20+ל30+י10+ה5 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). GOD designed the kidney to become functional exactly on the 65th day from conception, or the 12th week (65/7+2=11.3) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 11th-12th week, urination has been established and the kidney starts to function on week 12.
Scientific evidence:
Lung is ריאה (“rei-a”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 216=ר200+י10+א1+ה5 (*based on code2GOD #1 table). The lung was designed to become functional exactly on the 216th day from conception, or the 33rd week (216/7+2=32.8) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 33rd week, the air sac (alveoli) (stage 5 of 5 in lung development) development is established.
Scientific evidence:
Digestive system is עיכול (“ekol”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 136=ע70+י10+כ20+ו6+ל30 (*see code2GOD #1 table). The digestive system was designed to become functional exactly on the 136th day from conception, or the 22nd week (136/7+2=21.4) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 22nd-23rd week, the digestive system is functioning and gastric peristalsis is also working.
Scientific evidence:
Gender is מין (“meem”) in Biblical Hebrew, which GOD coded 100=מ40+י10+ן50 (*see code2GOD #1 table). The gender was designed to become functional exactly on the 100th day from conception or the 17th week (100/7+2=16.3) of pregnancy.
Science confirms: During the 16th week, peak concentrations of testosterone in the fetus’s male body are comparable to the amounts found in adult men.
Scientific evidence:
To be completed.
The Biblical Hebrew word pregnancy is "heraion הריון" coded 271 (ה5 ר200 י10 ו6 ן50) GOD, and that is precisely the number of days from conception to birth according to science.
Pregnancy "heraion הריון" is made of two Biblical Hebrew words: "har הר" which means mountain, and "ion יון" which means unbalanced or charged, and also dove. Together: unbalanced, charged, progressing mountain.
The second part of the Biblical Hebrew word "herion הריון" is יון coded 66 equals to "מיהוה from the Lord".
The second part of the Biblical Hebrew word "herion הריון" is יון according to code2GOD #7 (anagram) it is coded for "noi נוי" which is new and beautiful.
The first part of the Biblical Hebrew word "herion הריון" is הר coded 205 matchings "holy GOD the Lord protects יהוה אלהים מגן"
To be completed.
119 =ט9 ע70 ם40 ta-am taste
Taste is טעם ("ta-am") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 119. That means GOD designed taste to become functional (taste buds' signal connection to the brain is established) on the 119th day from conception (19 wks of pregnancy).
108 =א1 ז7 נ50 י10 ם40 oznayim ear
Ear is אזנים ("oznayim") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 108. That means GOD designed the ear to become functional (fetus can detect sounds at 500 hz) on the 108th day from conception (17.4 wks of pregnancy).
61 = 50ב2 ט9 ן betten stomach
Stomach is בטן ("betten") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 61. That means the designer of life designed the stomach to become functional (intestine returns to the abdomen) on the 61st day from conception (10.7 wks of pregnancy).
48 = מ40 ח8 moach brain
Brain is מח ("moach") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 48. That means GOD designed the brain to become functional (electric activity) on the 48th day from conception (8.8 wks of pregnancy).
26 =כ20 ב2 ד4 kaved liver
Liver is כבד ("kaved") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 26. That means GOD designed the liver to become functional (hepatic hemopoiesis starts) on the 26th day from conception (5.7 wks of pregnancy).
44 = 40ד4 ם dam blood
Blood is דם ("dam") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 44. That means GOD designed blood to become functional (fetal system returns/gets blood) on the 44th day from conception (8.2 wks of pregnancy).
130 =ע70 י10 ן50 ein eye
Eye is עין ("ein") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 130. That means GOD designed the eye to become functional (eyes are fully formed) on the 130th day from conception (20.6 wks of pregnancy).
32 =ל30 ב2 lev heart
Heart is לב ("lev") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 32. That means GOD designed the heart to become functional (formation of the 4-chambered heart is completed) on the 32nd day from conception (6.6 wks of pregnancy).
61 = 50ב2 ט9 ן betten stomach
Stomach is בטן ("betten") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 61. That means the designer of life designed the stomach to become functional (intestine returns to the abdomen) on the 61st day from conception (10.7 wks of pregnancy).
48 = מ40 ח8 moach brain
Brain is מח ("moach") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 48. That means GOD designed the brain to become functional (electric activity) on the 48th day from conception (8.8 wks of pregnancy).
26 =כ20 ב2 ד4 kaved liver
Liver is כבד ("kaved") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 26. That means GOD designed the liver to become functional (hepatic hemopoiesis starts) on the 26th day from conception (5.7 wks of pregnancy).
44 = 40ד4 ם dam blood
Blood is דם ("dam") in Biblical Hebrew, coded 44. That means GOD designed blood to become functional (fetal system returns/gets blood) on the 44th day from conception (8.2 wks of pregnancy).
Fetus organ | Biblican name/code | code2GOD | code in days | Weeks (Bible) | Weeks (science) | Scientific confirmation | Scientific support | Scientific references |
Pregnancy | heraion 271 הריון | ה5 ר200 י10 ו6 ן50 = 271 | 271 | 40.7 | 40-41 | YES | ||
① STOMACH | beten בטן 61 | ב2 ט9 ן50 = 61 | 61 | 10.7 | 11 | YES | Wk 11: The intestine leaves the umbilical cord and returns to the abdomen. The rectum and anus form | UNSW Embryology - Mark HillACOG. 2018. Practice bulletin 175: Ultrasound in pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and GynecologistsHill MA. 2019. Embryology Gastrointestinal Tract Development: Canalization.Moore KL, Persaud TVN, and Torchia MG. 2019. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.NIDDK. 2015. Short bowel syndrome. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney DiseasesParulekar SG. 1991. Sonography of normal fetal bowel. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 10(4):211-220Ross MG and Nijland MJM. 1998. Development of ingestive behavior. American Journal of Physiology 274(4):R879-R893 |
② BRAIN | moach מח 68 | מ40 ח8 = 48 | 48 | 8.9 | 9 | YES | Wk 9: The brain’s electric activity has been set and the brain takes shape like a baby’s brain | Environmental Health Perspectives - Lindsey KonkelThe Brain before Birth: Using fMRI to Explore the Secrets of Fetal NeurodevelopmentSecrets of Fetal Neurodevelopment |
③ LIVER | kaved 26 כבד | כ20 ב2 ד4 = 26 | 26 | 5.7 | 6 | YES | Wk 6: The liver becomes independent at week 6 (filters blood) | National Library of MedicineScience Direct - Lee Goldman MDDevelopment of the Hematopoietic System |
④ BLOOD | dam 44 דם | ד4 ם40 = 44 | 44 | 8.3 | 8 | YES | Wk 8: Transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the lungs and tissues achieved | At 8 weeks heartbeat pumping blood can be by Shahab Shahid MBBSMedical News Today - Lori Smith |
⑤ EYE/S | einayim 190 עינייםein 130 עין | ע70 י10 נ60 י10 י10 ם40 = 190 OR also 180=ע70+י10+נ50+י10+ם40singular ע70 י10 ן60 = 130 | 130 / 180 | 20.627.7 | 20-2128 | YES | 130 days: eyes are fully formed, eyebrows and lashes appear.190 days: eyes are open, rapid eye movements detected and blinking. | Kyushu University HospitalFetal Eye Movements |
⑥ HEART | lev 32 לב | ל30 ב2 = 32 | 32 | 6.6 | 7 | YES | Embryo heartbeat was identifiable after 6 weeks and 4 days | Europe PMC - |
⑦ TASTE | ta-am 119 טעם | ט9 ע70 ם40 = 119 | 119 | 19.0 | 19 | YES | Wk 19: Fetus can taste from the amniotic fluid - signal connection to the brain is established | Dr. Layan Alrahmani, M.D., Ob-gyn, maternal-fetal medicine specialist |
⑧ EARS | oznaim 128 (64x2) אוזןoznaim 114 אוזניים | 128=2x64=א1+ו6+ז7+נ50 and also 114=א1+ו6+ז7+נ50+י10+י10+ם40 | 114128 | 18.320.3 | 19 | YES | Wk 19: Fetus detects & responds to 500hz sound | Fetal Hearing-National Library of Medicine |
⑨ HANDS | yadayim 64 ידיםORyadayim 74 ידיים | י10+ד4+י10+ם40 = 64ORי10+ד4+י10+י10+ם40 = 74 | 6474 | 11.112.6 | 1213 | Yes | Weeks 12-13 final formation of fingernails. The interdigital pads begin to regress around 11 weeks, and the digital pads follow during week 13 onward. Around 10 weeks, the thenar pattern area emerges due to the opposition of the thumb which creates the first appearance of the crease. The primary centers of ossification begin to form long bones as early as the 12th week. | Embryology, Hand-National Library of Medicine |
⑩ MOUTH | פה pe 85 | פ80+ה5 = 85 | 85 | 14.1 | 14-15 | YES | During the 14th-15th week, the mouth becomes functional as the fetus can make sucking (15 weeks), chewing movements and swallowing of amniotic fluid at 12 to 14 weeks. | Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, |
⑪ BONE | ezem 200 עצם | ע70+צ90+ם40 = 200 | 200 | YES | 200 bones and 6 auditory ossicles, together they are known for 206 body bones. However, GOD doesn't consider Malleus, Incus, and Stapes, as bones. | How many bones? National Library of Medicine | ||
⑫ FETUS | ubar 278 עובר | ע70+ו6+ב2+ר200 = 278 | 278 | 41.7 | It means that pregnancy can last 278 depends on the gender | |||
⑬ NOSE | af 81 אף | א1+ף80 = 81 | 81 | 13.6 | 11-14 | YES | Nasal bone is established | Fetal Nasal Bone Imaging in the First TrimesterBioMedCentral Pregnancy and Childbirth |
⑭ KIDNEY | kilia 65 כליה | כ20+ל30+י10+ה5 = 65 | 65 | 11.3 | 12 | YES | Urination has been established. | University of Michigan Medical SchoolDepartment Of Health |
⑮ LUNG | rei-a 216 ריאה | ר200+י10+א1+ה5 = 216 | 216 | 32.9 | 32 | YES | Only the fifth stage is considered functional according to the designer of life. | Asthma and Lung UK |
⑯ DIGESTIVE SYSTEM | ekul 136 עיכול | ע70+י10+כ20+ו6+ל30 = 136 | 136 | 21.4 | 22-23 | YES | Gastric peristalsis is also working. | |
⑰ GENDER | meen 100 מין | מ40+י10+ן50 = 100 | 100 | 16.3 | 16 | YES | Peak concentrations of testosterone in the fetus male body are comparable to the amounts found in adult men. | |
⑱ |