The authenticity of the scripture lies in the WORD OF GOD, which was discovered or gifted to Don Juravin, the founder of the Original Bible Foundation. This string of 1,197,000 Hebrew letters functions as a unique code, similar to the DNA of a living organism, that reveals the divine message. GOD has encoded each of the 22 Biblical Hebrew letters with two unique numbers from 1 to 510, resulting in a code2GOD value of 78,091,262. The WOG was divided into 305,490 words, 23,206 verses, and 929 chapters, collectively known as “The Original Bible”. It is crucial to emphasize that only the original scripture holds coded messages from GOD.
Human translations of the bible are subject to the interpretation and personal experiences of the translators, resulting in misconceptions and misunderstandings of crucial concepts, such as heaven, hell, satan, witches, and other significant aspects of life. For instance, the oryx animal was deliberately mistranslated as the mythical unicorn. Additionally, religious organizations and televangelists have manipulated the already flawed King James Version, thereby fostering fear and promoting reliance on the clergy.
Hence, it is vital that we rely exclusively on the coded source of scripture and not any human interpretations of the bible.
GOD is responsible for the greater good of the world, or the universe. GOD is responsible for the overall welfare of the world or the universe. As a result, an individual may not always perceive events as being in their personal best interest, as a negative experience for one person may correspond to a positive experience for another. This concept is exemplified in the parable of Job.
From the perspective of the original Bible, actions that may appear to be sacrifice may actually be integral to achieving a greater good. It posits that the world, and the lives within it, are continually evolving toward an improved state.
code2GOD #7 calls for you to see a problem as an opportunity:
You want to know who is the “decision maker” you should pray to.
We are here to debate the existence of Satan as an evil entity. Don Juravin states that Satan, as a figure of evil, does not exist in the original Bible, and that religious organizations promote the notion of an evil entity only to scare the public and create more dependency on their services.
Point 1: The Hebrew word “שטן” which is often translated as “Satan” actually means “an obstacle.” This misinterpretation has led to the creation of Satan as an evil entity. The original Bible does not mention Satan as an evil entity, and therefore, it can be argued that Satan is a human-made concept.
Point 2: Televangelists and religious organizations use the notion of Satan as a tool to scare people and create more dependency on their services. By portraying Satan as an evil entity that can influence people’s lives, they create a sense of fear that drives people to seek protection from them.
Point 3: If there is any Satan, and GOD is almighty, then it must be at the approval of GOD. If Satan is an evil entity that exists and is successfully standing up to GOD in any way, then Satan is the more powerful entity believers ought to worship. This is a paradox that cannot be reconciled with the idea of a supreme and almighty GOD.
Point 4: If Satan exists and has more impact on people’s lives than GOD, then they ought to worship the entity that has more impact on their life. This is not consistent with the idea of a supreme and almighty GOD, who is supposed to be the one and only entity worthy of worship.
Conclusion: In conclusion, we argue that Satan, as an evil entity, doesn’t exist in the original Bible and was made up for religious organizations and televangelists. By promoting the notion of Satan, they create a sense of fear and dependency that keeps people coming back to them. Furthermore, religious organizations created another layer to protect their story: anyone who says there is no Satan, is Satan himself. We urge the public to question the existence of Satan and not be swayed by fear tactics.
Conclusion: Satan, as an evil entity, doesn’t exist in the original Bible and was made up, and still a viable story, for religious organizations and televangelists. Furthermore, religious organizations created another layer to protect their story: anyone who says there is no Satan, is Satan himself.
It is crucial to acknowledge that restricting our understanding of GOD to the confines of human perception, limited by a 3-dimensional view and the notion of time moving only in a forward direction, is insufficient. God’s essence transcends the constraints of space and time, as well as the boundaries imposed by human limitations. It is imperative to contemplate that GOD’s presence can extend beyond the limits of our comprehension, residing within the eighth dimension, and having the capability to move through time according to his will.
GOD transcends the limitations of time, space, and human comprehension. This understanding of GOD is grounded in the belief that the divine is not bound by the constraints of physical dimensions or the cognitive limitations of human perception. Rather, GOD is perceived as an omnipotent and omniscient entity that exists beyond the realm of human experience.
From this theological perspective, the concept of GOD can be seen as a transcendent force that operates outside the realm of human comprehension. As such, any attempt to limit God to a specific time or space would be inherently flawed, as such limitations are inherently human constructs. The transcendental nature of GOD is further reflected in the many religious traditions that posit the existence of multiple dimensions of reality beyond the physical realm, where the divine is believed to exist.
In essence, the concept of GOD is intimately tied to the idea of transcendence, representing an entity that is beyond human limitations and capable of operating beyond the confines of time and space. This understanding of GOD underscores the vast and profound nature of the divine, as well as the limitations of human perception in understanding such a complex and transcendent force.
It is widely recognized that human beings possess the capacity to construct realities that are often regarded as objective facts. For instance, a question such as “Did Jesus walk on water?” will commonly receive an affirmative answer. This is primarily because of the vast number of Christians, approximately 20 billion, who have affirmed their belief in this event over the past 2,000 years. This collective agreement has resulted in the construction of a reality that is widely accepted as a fact.
Similarly, the question of whether the Mezuza located at the entrance of a Jewish household is considered holy will typically receive an affirmative answer. This is attributed to the Jewish family’s practice of kissing and praying with the Mezuza over a period of 7 years. This ritualistic behavior has imbued the Mezuza with a sense of sanctity, further contributing to the creation of a perceived reality that is accepted as a fact.
Our adherence to the doctrine put forth by the Vatican regarding the canon of holy scripture is primarily centered around the premise that the first five books of the Bible, known as the holy gospels, hold preeminence over the remaining texts, which are regarded as letters. This stance is derived from the Vatican’s official website.
We are in the progressive stage of finalizing the answer. We need funding to complete the research.
Jesus was a rebel Jew who served GOD in initiating a competing religion to that of single and snobbish religion in the world at the time.
Jesus did explicitly say that he was God but he implied that he was the son of God and he acted like the messiah.
In retrospect, Jesus was the messiah who is defined as someone designated by GOD to teach humans and show them the way. That, as opposed to the wrong belief that the messiah is someone who will fix, by himself, the world for humanity.
Throughout his life, Jesus was known for his Jewish roots, which played a crucial role in his identity. His proficiency in Hebrew, coupled with his extensive knowledge of the Hebrew Bible and his aptitude for decoding the codes within Code2GOD, were significant factors that influenced his teachings. His steadfast dedication to upholding the common good, even when faced with resistance, defined his actions as those of a rebel.
Many examples in the Bible illustrate Jesus’ rebellious nature. One of the most notable incidents is when he overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple. In Matthew 21:12-13, Jesus entered the temple and found people buying and selling goods. He made a whip and drove out the animals and overturned the tables of the moneychangers, saying, “My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it ‘a den of robbers’.” This act of defiance against the corrupt practices of the religious elite made Jesus a hero to the oppressed Jewish people.
Another example of Jesus’ rebelliousness is seen in his association with sinners and outcasts. In Matthew 9:11, the Pharisees questioned his association with tax collectors and other sinners, to which Jesus replied, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” By choosing to associate with those deemed unworthy by society, Jesus challenged the conventional norms of his time.
Furthermore, Jesus’ teachings went against the grain of the religious establishment of his time. In Matthew 5:38-39, he stated, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” This message of nonviolence was a direct contradiction to the prevailing wisdom of his time and challenged the Jewish leaders’ authority and legitimacy.
In conclusion, Jesus’ life was marked by his commitment to challenging authority and standing up for what was right, regardless of the consequences. He was a rebel in the truest sense of the word, whose actions and teachings inspired a generation and continue to resonate with people today. Through his example, we can see that rebellion can be a positive force for change and that it is often necessary to stand up for what we believe in, even if it goes against the established norms.
“god אל el” refers to any powerful entity, whereas “God אלוה Eloha” as referred to by religious organizations, is a distinct concept. The true representation of the divine is “GOD אלהים Elohim,” as described in the original Bible, devoid of any religious attributes or anthropomorphism.
YHWH is the name of GOD.
In a way, Elohim GOD in the original Bible refers to the type of entity that YHWH is similar to Joe Biden being a “human” or “adam אדם” in the original Bible. Adam means human and not man.
The occurrence of life on earth is a phenomenon that defies a straightforward explanation. While some may contend that the emergence of life is the result of random coincidences, this view is not substantiated by empirical or biblical evidence. Rather, the complexity and intricacy of life, along with the self-sustaining systems that support it, suggest that it is not a coincidence, but rather an orchestrated event that is guided by a greater logic.
Scientifically, this is evident in the process of evolution, where organisms adapt to their environment over time through natural selection. The survival of fittest species is not a coincidence but a result of the fitness and adaptations of that species to its environment.
Biblically, the creation of life is viewed as a deliberate act by a higher power. The intricacy and interdependence of living organisms, as well as the creation of systems that support their existence, suggest a design that goes beyond mere coincidence. It is manifested in the biblical parable of Job.
In essence, while the intricacy and complexity of life may appear beyond comprehension, it is critical to acknowledge that life’s existence is guided by a greater logic that extends beyond the realm of human understanding.
GOD is the “thing” that is responsible for the formation of life (different than creation), and possibly the impact on human lives (such as events, luck, or genetics) in the present. GOD is a nonreligious “thing” which is different from the human-made God concept created in our minds by religious organizations or televangelists. GOD created the Hebrew letters, the Hebrew language, the WORD OF GOD, and the original Bible.
GOD is nonreligious, and no one religion represents GOD 100%.
Original Bible Foundation believes in LOVING GOD WITHOUT RELIGION.
The question of what constitutes reality has long been a subject of philosophical debate. Some have argued that reality is objective and exists independently of the observer, while others contend that reality is subjective and shaped by the observer’s perceptions. Don Juravin states that reality is information encoded in the brain as “real,” and that this information implies meaning that is a comparison, or a match, to something from one’s database in the mind.
Argument 1: Reality is Information Encoded in the Brain as “Real”
The brain processes a vast amount of sensory information from the external world, and this information is encoded as “real” through a complex network of neurons and synapses. This information is then integrated into our conscious experience of reality. Our perception of the external world is thus a product of our brain’s interpretation of sensory information.
Argument 2: Information Implies Meaning
Information is meaningless unless it is interpreted and given meaning. The meaning of information is a comparison, or a match, to something from one’s database in the mind. Our minds contain a vast database of experiences, memories, and associations that are used to make sense of new information. This is why people with different experiences and backgrounds can interpret the same information in different ways.
Argument 3: Reality is Subjective
If reality is information encoded in the brain as “real,” and information implies meaning, then it follows that reality is subjective. Our individual experiences and interpretations of the world are shaped by our unique databases of experiences, memories, and associations. This is why different people can have vastly different perceptions of the same event.
In conclusion, we argue that reality is information encoded in the brain as “real,” and that this information implies meaning that is a comparison, or a match, to something from one’s database in the mind. Our individual experiences and interpretations of the world are subjective and shaped by our unique databases of experiences, memories, and associations. While this view of reality may seem to undermine the idea of an objective reality, it is a more nuanced and complex understanding of how we experience the world around us. Ultimately, the question of what constitutes reality may never be fully resolved, but this debate article provides a framework for understanding the role of the mind in shaping our perceptions of the world.
Example: Two people received $10,000. The poor person will be happy, while the billionaire will be disappointed. The delta, the difference, is what matters.
The human experience is shaped by a complex array of psychological and social factors, including our expectations, past experiences, and cultural norms. One crucial factor that impacts our emotional states is the concept of “delta,” or the difference between our current state and our previous state.
Psychological research has demonstrated that people tend to experience greater satisfaction when there is a positive delta between their current state and their previous state. For instance, if an individual is accustomed to a certain level of income, receiving a raise or promotion that increases their income level will result in a positive delta and lead to feelings of satisfaction and happiness.
Conversely, individuals tend to experience negative emotions when there is a negative delta or a decrease in their current state compared to their previous state. For example, if someone becomes accustomed to a certain standard of living, experiencing a decline in that standard, such as losing a job, can lead to negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, and despair.
This phenomenon is not unique to humans, and research has shown that some animals also experience changes in emotional states based on the delta. For instance, animals kept in captivity may exhibit negative emotions when exposed to environments that differ significantly from their previous state.
It is important to note that delta is not an absolute factor or number that yields happiness or sorrow. Rather, it is the difference between two experiences in time or current to expected that shapes our emotional response. This can vary widely between individuals, depending on their past experiences, personal goals, and cultural values.
Overall, the concept of delta is a crucial factor in shaping human emotions and behaviors. By understanding how delta impacts our emotional states, individuals can develop strategies to manage their emotional well-being and work to promote positive delta in their lives. This includes cultivating gratitude, setting realistic expectations, and actively seeking out positive experiences that can boost our emotional state.
We are in the progressive stage of finalizing the answer. We need funding to complete the research.
Humans have a tendency to understand and appreciate matters only in relative terms and not in absolutes. This can be seen in the simple example of driving forward, where the perception of movement is derived from the relative motion of other objects, such as trees, moving backward. This perception of relative motion is not limited to physical experiences but is also applicable to psychological and social experiences.
People often derive happiness or sadness, feelings of being lucky or unlucky, only when they compare themselves to others around them or those they grew up with. The sense of satisfaction or dissatisfaction is not based on absolute measures of success or failure, but rather on the relative standing in comparison to others. This is demonstrated in real-life experiences where individuals who are financially comfortable may still feel unhappy if they perceive others around them to be more successful. On the other hand, individuals who are financially disadvantaged may still feel content and happy if they perceive themselves to be better off than those around them.
This phenomenon can be explained through the concept of social comparison theory, which proposes that individuals evaluate themselves by comparing their abilities, skills, and opinions with those of others. This comparison allows them to evaluate their standing in society and can influence their self-esteem and sense of well-being. The relative comparison of one’s situation with others creates a sense of context and meaning that is essential for individuals to derive value and purpose from their experiences.
You desire to get married and bring kids into the world. What do you wish for them? The majority will answer “Happiness,” to which Don Juravin answers: “let them sleep late, not go to school, listen to music all day, watch TV and play video games, eat junk, maybe do drugs. That’s happiness for kids.” Obviously, “happiness” is not the answer to add to the world, humans that are better than themselves.
From a genetic perspective, parents are inclined to have an innate desire to procreate and raise offspring who are superior to themselves. It is a natural instinct that is seen across multiple species. When asked about their aspirations for their children, many parents express a desire for their children to be happy. However, the concept of “happiness” can be subjective and vague.
When Don Juravin asks a parent what he wants or wishes for his kids, he gets the answer, “I want my kids to be happy,” to which Mr Juravin sarcastically answers, “So you basically support late sleeping, overeating, listening to loud music, not going to school, never working and possibly using drugs?!”
Don Juravin has thereby pointed out the paradox of such a desire, as the steps that may lead to the child’s happiness may contradict the parents’ other goals, such as ensuring the child’s health, education, and financial stability. Parents must navigate this dilemma to find a balance between fulfilling their genetic drive and ensuring their child’s well-being.
Complete and everlasting peace between all humans across the world is an unattainable goal. While humans may aspire to such a state, it is not congruent with the divine blueprint of the world. It may be possible for certain communities to experience a brief period of peace, but the design of life on earth does not include universal harmony. The most that humanity can aim for is minimizing the number of lethal conflicts and promoting healthy competition.
This condition is not how life on earth has been designed by God. History demonstrates that survival struggles and confrontations with divinity have been persistent features of human existence. There is no evidence to suggest that complete peace is desirable or feasible from the beginning of time. These assertions align with the fundamental principles of Don Juravin and the understanding of God and life.
From a biological perspective, humans are wired to have an innate drive to want more and compete. This drive is deeply rooted in the evolutionary history of our species, where competition for resources and mates was crucial for survival. While civilization has brought about a shift towards cooperation and altruism, the primal urge to compete and take chances remains. In fact, studies have shown that the reward centers in our brains light up more when we take risks or break rules, even if it’s just in our minds.
For example, a study published in the journal “Nature Neuroscience” found that the reward centers in the brain were more activated when participants in a gambling experiment took risks that violated the rules of the game. Another study, published in the “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology”, found that people are more likely to admire and even reward individuals who take risks, even if those risks lead to negative consequences.
Therefore, while being civilized and caring are important, the drive to compete and take risks is deeply ingrained in our biology. This doesn’t mean that we should abandon ethics and morality, but rather that we must recognize and manage these primal urges in order to achieve a balance between our competitive nature and our moral code.
The fear of uncertainty is a fundamental aspect of the human psyche and surpasses all other fears, even the fear of death. Individuals may not fear death if they have knowledge of when and how it will occur, but the absence of such knowledge creates anxiety and distress. This phenomenon is supported by scientific research, which has demonstrated that the human brain is wired to respond to uncertainty with a heightened level of alertness and reactivity.
For instance, studies have shown that the amygdala, a part of the brain responsible for processing emotions, is activated in response to uncertainty. This can result in a range of physiological responses such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and rapid breathing. Additionally, the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in decision-making and problem-solving, may become impaired under conditions of uncertainty, leading to feelings of helplessness and anxiety.
Real-life examples of this phenomenon can be observed in situations such as waiting for medical test results or uncertain job security. In both cases, the absence of information creates a sense of ambiguity and lack of control, leading to feelings of anxiety and distress. Understanding the profound impact of uncertainty on the human psyche can help individuals cope with such situations and work towards developing strategies to manage this innate fear.
We are half way through, and we have coded answers. We need funding to conclude the answer.
Many but not chronic fears.
Trusting in GOD can significantly alleviate the fear of the unknown, which is the greatest fear in human life. The believer’s trust in God must be so unwavering that even in the face of adverse circumstances, they can still see an opportunity presented to them by GOD. Thus, no event is viewed as negative or bad luck; instead, every situation is an opportunity from GOD to manifest something greater in their lives. This principle can be difficult to apply in some situations, such as the loss of a loved one, which can seem intolerable to ordinary people. Only a true believer can understand that even the most severe tragedies can lead to better opportunities. In fact, the worse the tragedy, the greater the opportunity for something good to emerge. According to Don Juravin, those who do not comprehend this principle of life and GOD are permanently negative and miserable.
The Law of Attraction is a concept that suggests that positive or negative thoughts and emotions can bring about corresponding positive or negative experiences in a person’s life. While some skeptics view this concept as pseudoscience or superstition, research in psychology has found evidence to support the validity of the Law of Attraction. This is due to the powerful impact that the mind can have on a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
For example, one study found that participants who visualized themselves successfully achieving their goals were more likely to take action toward achieving those goals. In contrast, participants who focused on their failures or difficulties were less likely to take action toward achieving their goals. This shows that a person’s mindset can have a significant impact on their actions and overall success.
Furthermore, the Law of Attraction is often used in various forms of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, to help individuals shift their negative thinking patterns and replace them with positive thoughts and emotions. This approach has been shown to be effective in treating conditions such as depression, anxiety, and addiction.
Overall, while the Law of Attraction may not be fully understood or accepted by everyone, it is clear that the power of the mind and one’s thoughts can have a profound impact on their life experiences.
The occurrence of evil can be seen as a misfortune for one individual, but it can also be viewed as a fortunate event for others. On a larger scale, it has been argued that the aftermath of evil can bring about more good than the cost of the original deed. For instance, the 9/11 terrorist attacks were a great evil that caused destruction and death. However, it also brought people and nations together, as well as inspired acts of heroism and kindness. Moreover, an evil act can serve as a call to action for those affected by it. For example, the tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida in 2018 inspired many students to become advocates for gun control, leading to the March for Our Lives movement. Thus, while evil may be seen as a misfortune in the moment, it can ultimately serve as a catalyst for good.
Evil is a misfortune of one and a fortunate of others. In global terms, much more good is created with each evil than the cost of the evil deed. Alternatively, an evil act can be a divine call for humans affected to take action.
When compared with the original Bible and taking into consideration current real-life needs, all religions have some truth to them, but most have been manipulated by religious organizations.
Therefore, one can love GOD and disagree with his/her religion.
The appreciation of the comfortable middle, whether in a personal or global context, is often facilitated by the existence of extremes. As such, individuals may require exposure to opposite ends of a spectrum in order to fully understand and appreciate the desirable balance that lies between them. For instance, the traumatic events of 9/11 served as a necessary extreme for Americans to comprehend the reality of terrorism. Similarly, the storming of the Capitol on January 6th highlighted the importance of protecting democracy, which was previously taken for granted. Furthermore, the war in Ukraine brought about a sense of unity and a greater appreciation for democracy. The COVID-19 pandemic has also served as an extreme example that has taught us to value the importance of life. Lastly, earthquakes, such as those that have occurred in Turkey with about 40,000 dead or in California, help us to appreciate the stability of the ground we stand on.
We are in the progressive stage of finalizing the answer. We need funding to complete the research.
To be completed.
Heaven is a KJV’s mistranslation of the original Bible. GOD doesn’t mention a physical place in the original Bible relating to a wonderful euphoric place like heaven.
The word “angel מלאך” is code2GOD 91, and it derives from the word “task מלאכה” indicating that the angel is a living creature, possessed temporarily by the divine, to intervene on behalf of the divine for the accomplishment of a specific task.
Interestingly, the addition of the letter “a 1 א” to the word “king 👑 90 מלך” makes it “angel 91 מלאך”. Since a king is powerful, it possibly denotes that an angel is a temporarily possessed king.
We are yet to investigate if an angel can also cause harm or death on behalf of the divine as an integral part of the fundamental for global goodness.
The concept of an individual or animal suddenly intervening to offer aid or save a life is often referred to as an “angelic” act, reminiscent of the divine spirit that possesses them. This idea is present in several examples from the original Hebrew Bible. For instance, in Genesis 22, an angel stops Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac and provides a ram to be sacrificed instead. In Exodus 3, God intervenes through a burning bush to enlist Moses as a leader to free the Israelites from slavery. In Joshua 5, an angel reveals himself as the commander of God’s army to Joshua before the battle of Jericho.
These instances demonstrate the concept of divine intervention in the form of an angelic act, as the individuals or animals appear to be guided by a divine spirit. While the nature of this phenomenon is not fully understood, it warrants further exploration. Don Juravin intends to provide further elaboration on this topic in the future.
In fact, the word “angel מלאך” is code2GOD 91, and it derives from the word “task מלאכה” indicating that the angel is a living creature, possessed temporarily by the divine, to intervene on behalf of the divine for the accomplishment of a specific task.
Yes, and in two “non-dramatic” ways:
In various passages throughout the Bible, GOD indicates that he may reset or reboot his plan for humanity if it is deemed necessary. For instance, in Genesis 6:5-7, it is written that, “The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the LORD said, ‘I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.’” Here, GOD expresses remorse over creating humanity and decides to reset His plan by flooding the earth and starting anew with Noah and his family.
Similarly, in the book of Revelation, GOD speaks of a time when He will bring an end to the current world order and establish a new one. Revelation 21:1-5 states, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.’”
Additionally, it is possible that humanity itself may reboot its own plan, as seen in the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. In this account, humans attempted to build a tower to reach the heavens and become like God. However, GOD saw this as an act of pride and rebellion and decided to confuse their language so they could no longer work together to achieve their goal. The result was that the people were scattered and went their separate ways, thus resetting the plan for humanity.
We’re working on it. We created the Rivka art.
We know the essence of the answer. We will utilize donations to finalize the answer for the benefit of humanity.