
Cover for Original Bible Foundation - code2GOD
Original Bible Foundation - code2GOD

Original Bible Foundation - code2GOD

Our nonprofit non-religious org scientifically decodes the original Bible using the patented code2GOD system to uncover GOD's messages to humanity. DISCOVER YOUR ❤️ DECODED BIBLICAL NAME IN GOD's HOLY LETTERS to understand your divine life path.

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16 hours ago

Who is more advanced: the original Bible or today's science?
SURPRISE - using the code2GOD scientific system, the original Bible in Hebrew is more advanced. code2GOD.org
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21 hours ago

The process of divine creation began with the formation of the 22 Hebrew letters, each of which was assigned two distinctive numerical values ranging from 1 to 510. This marked the inception of a profound and deeply symbolic system that would underpin the subsequent development of the Hebrew language.


Each Hebrew word was conceptualized as a sum value of its constituent letters, resulting in a complex numerical structure that encoded a range of meanings and association.
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22 hours ago
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What is God? 
How do you say God in Hebrew? 
What is the meaning of the word? What is the meaning of the word Elohim? Is God a male or a female? 
How to pronounce God in his language of Hebrew? 
What God says about his name?

What is God?
How do you say God in Hebrew?
What is the meaning of the word? What is the meaning of the word Elohim? Is God a male or a female?
How to pronounce God in his language of Hebrew?
What God says about his name?

39 1
What is the original Bible? 
Who created the Original Bible? 
How can the Original Bible help you get closer to God? 
Why you should invest in the original Bible? 
Which one is better, the original Bible or King James?

What is the original Bible?
Who created the Original Bible?
How can the Original Bible help you get closer to God?
Why you should invest in the original Bible?
Which one is better, the original Bible or King James?

7 1


20 3
Who is more advanced: the original Bible or today's science?
SURPRISE - using the code2GOD scientific system, the original Bible in Hebrew is more advanced. code2GOD.org

Who is more advanced: the original Bible or today`s science?
SURPRISE - using the code2GOD scientific system, the original Bible in Hebrew is more advanced. code2GOD.org

64 2
The process of divine creation began with the formation of the 22 Hebrew letters, each of which was assigned two distinctive numerical values ranging from 1 to 510. This marked the inception of a profound and deeply symbolic system that would underpin the subsequent development of the Hebrew language. 


Each Hebrew word was conceptualized as a sum value of its constituent letters, resulting in a complex numerical structure that encoded a range of meanings and association.

The process of divine creation began with the formation of the 22 Hebrew letters, each of which was assigned two distinctive numerical values ranging from 1 to 510. This marked the inception of a profound and deeply symbolic system that would underpin the subsequent development of the Hebrew language.


Each Hebrew word was conceptualized as a sum value of its constituent letters, resulting in a complex numerical structure that encoded a range of meanings and association.

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I'm going to reveal to you Yeshua's teachings on PERFECTION.

Did Yeshua EVER say the word "perfect"? What GOD’s language teaches us about the word “Perfect”.

"Perfect” was made up and exists in the English Bible translations but doesn't exist in GOD's language of Hebrew and therefore Yeshua NEVER said it.

It’s a word we use every day: “perfect day,” “perfect relationship,” or “perfect person.” But did you know that in GOD’s language, the Hebrew of the Original Bible and the Original YESHUA Testament, there is no such word?

So what did Yeshua say??

Yeshua used words like שלם (“shalem”) and מושלם (“mushlam”), which mean “whole” or “complete.” These words describe someone who has given their absolute best, who has achieved a personal accomplishment by reaching their fullest potential. It’s not about being flawless; it’s about being whole. This difference is profound and life-changing.

By contrast, the Hebrew concept of “shalem” or “mushlam” acknowledges that we are human, that our goal is to do our absolute best with what we have, and that this effort makes us whole. It’s about completeness in our humanity, not unattainable perfection.

GOD’s Perspective vs. Human Perspective

In GOD’s language of Hebrew, “shalem” and “mushlam” represent the 360-degree fullness of life. It’s the idea of reaching your potential, not comparing yourself to others or an impossible ideal. By contrast, the human-invented concept of “perfect” is fleeting, subjective, and always just out of reach.

Think about it: The concept of “perfect” in English often causes stress. People feel they’re never good enough, never attractive enough, never successful enough. But when you embrace the Hebrew idea of “whole” or “complete,” you find joy in doing your best and contentment in your efforts. You become free to celebrate your own unique journey.

Yeshua’s Final Words:

Even in his last moments, Yeshua’s words reflect wholeness. On the cross, he said, “It is finished,” meaning his mission was complete. He had fulfilled his purpose. There was no striving for some abstract perfection, only the peace of knowing he had done what GOD sent him to do.

I`m going to reveal to you Yeshua`s teachings on PERFECTION.

Did Yeshua EVER say the word "perfect"? What GOD’s language teaches us about the word “Perfect”.

"Perfect” was made up and exists in the English Bible translations but doesn`t exist in GOD`s language of Hebrew and therefore Yeshua NEVER said it.

It’s a word we use every day: “perfect day,” “perfect relationship,” or “perfect person.” But did you know that in GOD’s language, the Hebrew of the Original Bible and the Original YESHUA Testament, there is no such word?

So what did Yeshua say??

Yeshua used words like שלם (“shalem”) and מושלם (“mushlam”), which mean “whole” or “complete.” These words describe someone who has given their absolute best, who has achieved a personal accomplishment by reaching their fullest potential. It’s not about being flawless; it’s about being whole. This difference is profound and life-changing.

By contrast, the Hebrew concept of “shalem” or “mushlam” acknowledges that we are human, that our goal is to do our absolute best with what we have, and that this effort makes us whole. It’s about completeness in our humanity, not unattainable perfection.

GOD’s Perspective vs. Human Perspective

In GOD’s language of Hebrew, “shalem” and “mushlam” represent the 360-degree fullness of life. It’s the idea of reaching your potential, not comparing yourself to others or an impossible ideal. By contrast, the human-invented concept of “perfect” is fleeting, subjective, and always just out of reach.

Think about it: The concept of “perfect” in English often causes stress. People feel they’re never good enough, never attractive enough, never successful enough. But when you embrace the Hebrew idea of “whole” or “complete,” you find joy in doing your best and contentment in your efforts. You become free to celebrate your own unique journey.

Yeshua’s Final Words:

Even in his last moments, Yeshua’s words reflect wholeness. On the cross, he said, “It is finished,” meaning his mission was complete. He had fulfilled his purpose. There was no striving for some abstract perfection, only the peace of knowing he had done what GOD sent him to do.

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code2GOD is a scientific system used to discover GOD’s messaging to humanity from the original Bible (Hebrew) and the authentic WORD OF GOD. The results are turned into the world’s most valuable art to enlighten the world with answers to humanity’s most desired questions.  Want to know what GOD SAYS.... you need the code2GOD

code2GOD is a scientific system used to discover GOD’s messaging to humanity from the original Bible (Hebrew) and the authentic WORD OF GOD. The results are turned into the world’s most valuable art to enlighten the world with answers to humanity’s most desired questions. Want to know what GOD SAYS.... you need the code2GOD

101 7
Emphasizing the difference between the scriptures in GOD's language of Hebrew and human flawed translation) about the word "PERFECT" which exists in KJ version but doesn't exist in the original Bible and in the Original YESHUA Testament because the word doesn't exist in GOD's language of Hebrew. In Hebrew, Yeshua used שלם shalem or מושלם mushlam which mean WHOLE or COMPLETE and indicate a personal accomplishment of someone who did their absolute best. It represents the 100 percent or the 360 degrees possible. 

By contrast, the word PERFECT alludes to a combination of all the best parts in any given time.  Example, a person with blue eyes on a date and dark eyes in the desert with running legs of a horse, etc. The word perfect will always cause a disappointment while "whole" or "complete" will demonstrate best effort and happiness.

Emphasizing the difference between the scriptures in GOD`s language of Hebrew and human flawed translation) about the word "PERFECT" which exists in KJ version but doesn`t exist in the original Bible and in the Original YESHUA Testament because the word doesn`t exist in GOD`s language of Hebrew. In Hebrew, Yeshua used שלם shalem or מושלם mushlam which mean WHOLE or COMPLETE and indicate a personal accomplishment of someone who did their absolute best. It represents the 100 percent or the 360 degrees possible.

By contrast, the word PERFECT alludes to a combination of all the best parts in any given time. Example, a person with blue eyes on a date and dark eyes in the desert with running legs of a horse, etc. The word perfect will always cause a disappointment while "whole" or "complete" will demonstrate best effort and happiness.

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bless@code2god.org ...

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Learn GOD's holy words from the original Bible

Learn GOD`s holy words from the original Bible

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Is GOD Good? Is GOD Good All the Time?

When confronted with religious rhetoric, it’s essential to evaluate it critically. This involves cross-referencing the claims with three crucial factors: the original Bible, the scientific code2GOD system, and the last 6,000 years of human history. While the first two require deeper study and understanding, the easiest and most accessible point of comparison is human history itself.

Take the statement "GOD is good." At first glance, this seems comforting and universally agreeable. However, if we measure this against the historical record of the past 6,000 years, filled with wars, suffering, and untold bloodshed, it becomes apparent that this notion doesn't align with reality. The more extreme claim, "GOD is good all the time," becomes even harder to reconcile. Human history does not reflect constant goodness in the divine influence on worldly events. This suggests that the phrase "GOD is good, all the time" is not rooted in evidence or divine scripture but is instead a piece of religious rhetoric meant to pacify followers and maintain their faith through simplistic reassurances.

That leaves us with the original statement, "GOD is good," as potentially valid. However, even this assertion requires critical examination. For it to be wholly accurate, one must confront the possibility that GOD's goodness, while inherent, is limited by the actions of humanity or misinterpreted by religious institutions. To argue that GOD is always good requires either ignoring or excusing the extensive suffering and chaos documented throughout human history. Alternatively, it would require acknowledging that if GOD intended to establish a perfect, benevolent world, that intent may not have fully materialized—a challenging admission for many believers, as it implies imperfection or failure in divine execution.

Religious simplicity can often obscure complex truths. Only by questioning and analyzing such rhetoric can we approach a more profound understanding of GOD, free from the deceptions of dogma and human manipulation.

Is GOD Good? Is GOD Good All the Time?

When confronted with religious rhetoric, it’s essential to evaluate it critically. This involves cross-referencing the claims with three crucial factors: the original Bible, the scientific code2GOD system, and the last 6,000 years of human history. While the first two require deeper study and understanding, the easiest and most accessible point of comparison is human history itself.

Take the statement "GOD is good." At first glance, this seems comforting and universally agreeable. However, if we measure this against the historical record of the past 6,000 years, filled with wars, suffering, and untold bloodshed, it becomes apparent that this notion doesn`t align with reality. The more extreme claim, "GOD is good all the time," becomes even harder to reconcile. Human history does not reflect constant goodness in the divine influence on worldly events. This suggests that the phrase "GOD is good, all the time" is not rooted in evidence or divine scripture but is instead a piece of religious rhetoric meant to pacify followers and maintain their faith through simplistic reassurances.

That leaves us with the original statement, "GOD is good," as potentially valid. However, even this assertion requires critical examination. For it to be wholly accurate, one must confront the possibility that GOD`s goodness, while inherent, is limited by the actions of humanity or misinterpreted by religious institutions. To argue that GOD is always good requires either ignoring or excusing the extensive suffering and chaos documented throughout human history. Alternatively, it would require acknowledging that if GOD intended to establish a perfect, benevolent world, that intent may not have fully materialized—a challenging admission for many believers, as it implies imperfection or failure in divine execution.

Religious simplicity can often obscure complex truths. Only by questioning and analyzing such rhetoric can we approach a more profound understanding of GOD, free from the deceptions of dogma and human manipulation.

58 5
Discover your Biblical name in GOD's holy letters.

Discover your Biblical name in GOD`s holy letters.

30 1
What GOD SAYS about these seven points in life? God wired us to do things that do not make sense for us as humans, but we do them anyways. #GodSays #GOD #OriginalBible #human #facts

What GOD SAYS about these seven points in life? God wired us to do things that do not make sense for us as humans, but we do them anyways. #GodSays #GOD #OriginalBible #human #facts ...

72 5
Special donation order for the Hoke family. 
Original Yeshua Testament, original Bible, across from Jerusalem, The God hoodie, Tshirt, salt from the Dead Sea.

Special donation order for the Hoke family.
Original Yeshua Testament, original Bible, across from Jerusalem, The God hoodie, Tshirt, salt from the Dead Sea.

27 3
The Original Bible is AMAZING!
Compare it to KJV and see why investing in GOD's original Bible can bring you closer2GOD.
Learn what GOD SAYS to you.
code2GOD.org nonprofit, scientific, non-religious.

The Original Bible is AMAZING!
Compare it to KJV and see why investing in GOD`s original Bible can bring you closer2GOD.
Learn what GOD SAYS to you.
code2GOD.org nonprofit, scientific, non-religious.

57 6
Can you do the GOD gesture?

Can you do the GOD gesture? ...

39 1
Is Satan Real or Just a Misunderstanding of “Satan” in the Original Bible?

Let me reveal something that will change the way you think about good, evil, and God. The idea of Satan as an independent, evil entity opposing God is a misunderstanding—a distortion of the Hebrew term שטן (Satan) in the Original Bible.

In Hebrew, שטן (Satan) simply means "obstacle" or "adversary." It’s not a proper name, and it’s definitely not a supernatural being fighting against God. It refers to something—or someone—that challenges or opposes. For example, in Numbers 22:22, an angel of YHWA is described as a שטן to Balaam:

"ויחר אף אלהים כי הולך הוא ויתיצב מלאך יהוה בדרך לשטן לו."
"God’s anger was kindled because he went, and the angel of YHWA stood in the way as an adversary against him."

Here, even an angel of God is a שטן—an obstacle, not an enemy.

If God is truly almighty, then no being can exist outside of His will. Think about it. Would a God who is all-powerful allow an independent, evil entity to undermine Him? No. That would make God less than almighty. Instead, the שטן is a tool—a challenge permitted by God to test, refine, or teach.

Look at Job: The שטן in Job 1:6 is not a rebellious angel but a servant of God, fulfilling a purpose to test Job’s faith. The שטן acts only with God’s explicit permission:
"ויאמר יהוה אל השטן הנה כל אשר לו בידך רק אליו אל תשלח ידך."
"And YHWA said to the Satan, 'Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on him.'"

 Revelation, the book that fuels much of the Christian idea of Satan. It’s important to understand that Revelation is not Yeshua’s teaching. It was written by a man named John—his vision, his interpretation, and his opinion. It’s poetic and symbolic, not a continuation of Yeshua’s words.

Yeshua never taught about a cosmic war between God and Satan. His focus was on love, repentance, and the Kingdom of God. He called people to confront the obstacles—the שטן—within themselves: pride, greed, and fear.

Remember this: The Original Bible doesn’t support it. שטן means "obstacle" or "adversary," often something God uses for a greater purpose. God is almighty, and there is no rival to His power

Is Satan Real or Just a Misunderstanding of “Satan” in the Original Bible?

Let me reveal something that will change the way you think about good, evil, and God. The idea of Satan as an independent, evil entity opposing God is a misunderstanding—a distortion of the Hebrew term שטן (Satan) in the Original Bible.

In Hebrew, שטן (Satan) simply means "obstacle" or "adversary." It’s not a proper name, and it’s definitely not a supernatural being fighting against God. It refers to something—or someone—that challenges or opposes. For example, in Numbers 22:22, an angel of YHWA is described as a שטן to Balaam:

"ויחר אף אלהים כי הולך הוא ויתיצב מלאך יהוה בדרך לשטן לו."
"God’s anger was kindled because he went, and the angel of YHWA stood in the way as an adversary against him."

Here, even an angel of God is a שטן—an obstacle, not an enemy.

If God is truly almighty, then no being can exist outside of His will. Think about it. Would a God who is all-powerful allow an independent, evil entity to undermine Him? No. That would make God less than almighty. Instead, the שטן is a tool—a challenge permitted by God to test, refine, or teach.

Look at Job: The שטן in Job 1:6 is not a rebellious angel but a servant of God, fulfilling a purpose to test Job’s faith. The שטן acts only with God’s explicit permission:
"ויאמר יהוה אל השטן הנה כל אשר לו בידך רק אליו אל תשלח ידך."
"And YHWA said to the Satan, `Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on him.`"

Revelation, the book that fuels much of the Christian idea of Satan. It’s important to understand that Revelation is not Yeshua’s teaching. It was written by a man named John—his vision, his interpretation, and his opinion. It’s poetic and symbolic, not a continuation of Yeshua’s words.

Yeshua never taught about a cosmic war between God and Satan. His focus was on love, repentance, and the Kingdom of God. He called people to confront the obstacles—the שטן—within themselves: pride, greed, and fear.

Remember this: The Original Bible doesn’t support it. שטן means "obstacle" or "adversary," often something God uses for a greater purpose. God is almighty, and there is no rival to His power

461 93
As if Yeshua is speaking to you now... listen to Holy Land Man reading in Yeshua's tone.
#NewTestament #Yeshua

As if Yeshua is speaking to you now... listen to Holy Land Man reading in Yeshua`s tone.
#NewTestament #Yeshua

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