Rebecca [authentic Biblical name: Rivka רבקה] is the wife of Issac [authentic: Yitzchak יצחק] and the son of Abraham [authentic: Avraham אברהם]. GOD told pregnant Rivka, who was infertile for 20 years, that she has twins in her stomach who will turn into two nations and the younger will serve the elder ויאמר יהוה לה שני גוים בבטנך ושני לאמים ממעיך יפרדו ולאם מלאם יאמץ ורב יעבד צעיר. That defied the rules since the firstborn is always the one to be blessed by the father and assume leadership, it was a rare “prediction.”
Rivka רבקה [English: Rebecca] gave birth to twin boys: the first Esau [authentic: Esav עשו] followed by Jacob [authentic: Yaakov יעקב].
More than 40 years later, Rivka overheard Yizchak telling Esav, the eldest, that he’s about to die and he wants, at dinner time, to give him his birthright blessing (bechora בכורה) pronouncing him the successor, the family’s leader. Rivka, intuitively, acted fast and ordered her younger son, Yaakov to follow her lead and manipulate blind Yizchak into blessing Yaakov instead of Esav with his birthright.
The first female was Eve [authentic Biblical name is: Chava חוה]. Chava [Eve] set six human precedents. She is (1) the first wise human on earth, (2) the first human to exercise free will, (3) the first entrepreneur, (4) the first to challenge GOD, (5) the first to make a decision on behalf of her family, and (6) the first to deal with a satan.
While most Biblical male figures do all they can to obey GOD’s orders as stated, Biblical women seem to perceive GOD’s orders as “fatherly advice” and they seem to care more about their family and future generations. GOD created the female with the objective of being “help against him (man) עזר כנגדו”. That is, to help and steer the man, also against him, when needed. Also as a sort of a democratic opposition with “checks and balances.”
Holy Land Man concludes that women are a balancing force against men’s decisions as they are more capable to perceive future implications and outcomes. While men tend to perceive females as the “weaker or softer” gender, the actions seen by the first Biblical female figures teach us that the first Biblical women used less force and more tactics of wisdom and manipulations.
Rivka is the second woman in the Bible to manipulate a man on the belief that she knows better, she can better foresee the future, better collaborate with GOD, and perhaps even challenge GOD, at the great risk of self-sacrifice. Both, the first and the second woman, acted for the greater good of their family, generations to come, and humanity. Both women took a chance, exercised their human “free-will” and both were later rewarded by GOD.
We learn from both, Chava [Eve] and Rivka [Rebecca], the art of manipulating for the greater good. In both cases, the outcome was rewarding. Furthermore, neither Yizchak her husband, nor GOD were upset at Rivka. Humans prefer manipulation rather than being ordered; “I’m thirsty” is a form of manipulation that humans prefer over “bring me water.” Saying “please” is a form of manipulation to make the other person feel good about doing something for you. Holy Land Man considers manipulation to be “an act of art much needed for a relationship to be successful” and defines it as “getting what you want while letting the other feel good about it.A blessing is the transfer of set energy from the blesser’s soul to another soul(s). Blessings are possibly subject to GOD’s approval, denial, or empowerment. There are higher souls with more powerful, or authoritative, blessing powers. Blessing is different than a prayer. Despite Yizchak’s powerful blessing, Yaakov had to run for his life and could not exercise his father’s appointment to be the leader. It means that: (1) Blessings don’t take place immediately. (2) The blessed still has to show efforts (hishtadlut השתדלות in Biblical terms) to earn it.
Rivka had a fundamental need and desire to bear children but she couldn’t for 20 long years. The lessons: (1) Don’t take what GOD gave you for granted. (2) Close your eyes and think you don’t have some of the precious things you have in your life. Open your eyes and thank GOD. (3) Trust that the right communication with GOD will eventually bring you the right results. (4) Have faith in GOD to make wishes happen in due time. (5) Many approach GOD and to satisfy most of them, the universe has to align to accommodate all GOD’s approved wishes as they are probably opposing each other (like three bidders wish to win the very same contract). (6) Time has to pass from the first wish or prayer as GOD, and his universe, want to verify that you fully want it and it’s not only a spontaneous desire. A wish that of today may not be so important in few days time, so it only makes sense that the universe should not realign itself for “every whim” one might have. (7) Wish for the end goal rather than a specific outcome since it’s possible that GOD can fulfill your desire in a way you didn’t think about (don’t wish your son to be a doctor but rather a respectful rewarding profession, like a doctor). (8) Think of how many times GOD fulfilled your ultimate desires in a more interesting way than you wished or prayed for (you wanted a very specific job (or dress) and didn’t get it but “somehow” ended up with a more suitable job (or dress)?
Code value for Jesus in Ancient Greek [Ιησους] is 888. Code for “blessing 222 ברכ” same as firstborn “bechor בכר 222.” The LORD’s name יהוה is 26. Yaakov 182 יעקב is 7 times LORD 26 יהוה. His father Yitzchak יצחק 208 is 8 times. His father Avraham 248 אברהם is 9 times LORD 26 יהוה. The three patriarchs (Abraham אברהם, Issac יצחק, Jacob יעקב) have 13 letters, same as the four matriarchs (Sarah שרה, Rebecca רבקה, Rachel רחל, Leah לאה).
Together, the seven names have 26 letters, as is the code LORD 26 יהוה. The name ISRAEL ישראל is coded for the initials of the seven patriarchs and matriarchs’ original names, in Hebrew.
Rivka רבקה code is 307 (Pi 1370, full code 1114). Esav 376 עשו married Judith 435 יהודית which means “the Jewish one” or the female version of Judah יהודה (interestingly, predating his birth). Jacob יעקבYaakov is 182 + satan 359 שטן = ISRAEL 541 ישראל (a satan in Biblical Hebrew means merely an obstacle and not a physical demon) meaning: Yaakov plus overcoming the obstacle will make, or become ISRAEL.