Does heaven or hell exist? Where is heaven or hell? What do I need to go to heaven?  How to avoid going to hell? Is there “life” after death? What is heaven? What is hell? What’s the meaning of life?
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Heaven - Hell FAQ

Heaven FAQ

NO. GOD mentions no physical place in the original Bible relating to a wonderful euphoric place like heaven. If reaching such a wonderful place was conditioned upon certain terms and behavior, GOD would have mentioned it, or else it may be a tricky GOD which we don’t want to follow?

The feeling of “heaven,” however, does exist. When you’re in love or when you reach any such high emotional state. In short, heaven is here. Would you want me to prove it to you? Read the next tab:

Do you believe that heaven is a wonderful place you should inspire to be? Do you really believe that heaven is better than life on earth?

If you answered “yes”, then would you end your life right now and move there, to heaven? 

I would guess your answer is “no” and therefore the conclusion is that:

  1. You’re not sure that there is a better place than earth, or
  2. Earth is better, or
  3. As difficult as life may be, you can’t leave your family, friends, or your goals behind.

Conclusion: there is no physical heaven or if there is, it’s here on earth and you can live in it.

For you, as human, and as proven in the previous answer, heaven is here, on earth, when you understand life and GOD. Your soul nefesh 430 נפש or higher soul neshama 395 נשמה, however, may be joining the other souls.

This answer is only partly based on code2GOD since we have not fully analyzed the “soul נפש” and the higher “soul נשמה”. In fact, we’ve learned that subjects are revealed to Don Juravin when GOD decides so. The matter of the soul has been asked from GOD in the last 2-3 years and has not been answered. We can only assume that it’s because we are yet to determine what is “I” that we wish to preserve for the afterlife. What is the unique parameter that identifies “I” which is similar to a social security ID or a fingerprint that we wish will continue to the “next world.” Since our bodies are merely flesh, we have first to identify the would or the “higher soul.”

To be completed.

Did KJ interpreters purposely add dramatization and myths? KJ’s official site uses “darling terms” to admit that the KJ bible is full of flair: “The translation is most noted for its poetic feel – prose that seems to flow with a certain rhythmic quality.” The sheer fact that the KJ bible had human errors and multiple translations simply implies that it is the “story of the Bible” and not the HOLY BIBLE. Don Juravin, whose first language is Hebrew, reads the Bible in its original language and is the inventor of the code2GOD, believes that it can’t be that 50 interpreters mistook the “oryx” animal for a mythical unicorn. There is no doubt that KJ wanted a more entertaining type of bible to probably compete with the church’s copy of the bible. In short, KJ created a “story of the bible” and not a true translation of GOD’s Word. As proof, see other translations which didn’t create “hell” and “unicorns.”
It’s life with GOD’s protection and blessing conditioned by following some of GOD’s basic rules. Is Garden of Eden the ultimate Biblical heaven? NO. Garden of Eden is a Biblical parable describing what good life can be like when you please GOD. Why Graden of Even is not the euphoric heaven where you have no worries and no obligations? #1. Because GOD describes Eden 124 עדן as having “gold 14 זהב” and other gems which are a scarce commodity of trade which has to do with labor and negotiations and trickery. In short, competition of trade, just like life as we know it. #2. The presence of the tricky snake 358 נחש in Eden is not aligned with a euphoric place. #3. It is obvious that GOD expected Adam & Eve to procreate and under no circumstance are kids “worry-free” or else humanity will not evolve. That is, parents raise their kids to be better than them and that involves challenging and heartbreaking, and disappointing incidents. #4. Genesis 2:15 GOD placed Adam in the Garden of Eden 177 גן עדן to work and protect it לעבדה ולשמרה which, again, doesn’t fit a euphoric worry-free place. #5. Eden 124 עדן follows war 123 מלחמה

Hell FAQ

NO. There is no physical place with fire and demons. There is no such place of punishment in the original bible. The expression of “hell” or “go to hell” only refers to psychological discomfort or torture. In the original Bible, the words that are equivalent to hell are; “sheol,” deep dark place “azazel,”


Coming soon.

Coming soon.

According to code2GOD and the original Bible, sin is “חטא” and its coded number is 18 just like “חי” alive. We learn that GOD thinks that simply by being alive you perform sins. However, it also means:
  1. That’s how GOD designed you.
  2. GOD knows it in advance and you shouldn’t feel bad.
  3. It’s part of being alive.
  4. Sins don’t mean “deadly sins” but rather missteps.

Coming soon.

What does the Biblical or Hebrew “hell גיהנום geyhenom” or “hell עזאזל azazel” or “hell שאול Sheol” really mean? Hell גיהנום “geyhenom” exists in Hebrew and not in the Bible. Some religious scholars who read the original Bible mistakenly think that it is in the Bible but it’s not. It’s possible that the word גיהנום derives from the name גֵּי בֶן הִנֹּם Gay Ben Henom or the valley גֵי הִנֹּם Gay Henom which babies were sacrificed by fire to “a god.”  Respectfully, Jewish interpretation Talmud or Mishna (not the Bible) goes even to describe the ridiculous punishment of 6 months in the fire and 6 months in the snow. Why ridiculous? because these punishments can scare a body but not a dead body or a soul. Hell עזאזל “azazel” is mentioned three times in the Bible as a form of a sacrifice and not as a place of punishment for humans. It is used as a figure of speech “go to hell.” Hell שאול “Sheol” is a reference to a deep dark underground place of sorrow, similar to Hebrew words for hell and their meaning: גֵיהִנוֹם geyhenom hell, Hades, inferno, purgatory, pandemonium שְׁאוֹל sheol underworld, lower world, Hades, pandemonium, hell, abyss אֲבַדוֹן avadon doom, destruction, perdition, ruin, hell, abyss בְּאֵר שַׁחַת be-er shachat hell, grave תוֹפֶת tofet inferno, hell עֲזָאזֵל azazel hell, damnation
GOD is the “something” that is responsible for the formation of all life, earth, possibly the universe (all or part) and/or impacts our daily life. Don Juravin states that GOD’s existence can be felt in the chance, in the uncertainty. GOD can be best felt, and connected to, in the moments of need “would it happen? how and when would it happen?”

Life FAQ

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Good, Bad, sins FAQ

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We understand GOD scientifically (cross-referencing any assumption with past or scientific facts eliminating religious influence) based on his original Bible and his own WOG (Word Of GOD) in his very own Hebrew words and based on GOD’s 32 mathematical codes called code2GOD (Patent Pending). We welcome professional contests to prove our vast, first-time-ever, understanding of the true GOD.

Past & Future FAQ

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More precisely: Is GOD aware of everything I do?

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