Spirituality Is Not Afraid
The spirit is not afraid of contradictions, because it knows that all contrasts are imaginary. Faith and heresy, holiness and worldliness, peace and war, are only apparent opposites. Are ice and steam two different things? Is there a separation between love and hate? Between anger and forgiveness? Between chaos and order? Between day and night? When does the night end and the day begin? These are not two things, but the same thing itself, which has qualities to be so and so. Every sleep can turn into a wake-up call, and any misunderstanding can turn into an understanding.
The spirit is at the same level where unexplained changes occur. Instead the immaterial becomes material, time becomes space and mass becomes energy. Instead, one connects to one thing matter with the intelligence, the consciousness with the form, the desire with the one who wants it. Spinoza calls the human spirit the true book of the Word of God, because it contains everything we need to know to be human.
The spirit is the same “inner tenant” about which the Indian Upanishads says: “It cannot be seen with the eyes but by its power our eyes see, it cannot be heard in the ears but by its power our ears hear, it is impossible to know through consciousness but by its power consciousness knows.”
The Interior And Exterior Are One
Spirituality is the opposite of egocentrism, of ego, of selfishness, of intolerance, of unfairness, of inequality, of inhumanity. Spirituality and egocentrism are the two ends of our existence, and between these two planes of being we can each choose.
Like the sea divided into the bright biosphere and the dark biosphere, you too can choose between a bright being that allows us to see each other as evil, and a dark being where no one sees but himself through the crooked mirror.
You move into the spiritual dimension when you accept people as an integral part of perfection, and therefore also as an integral part of you. This acceptance will neutralize all the judgmental thoughts you are used to placing in your head. You may not like others’ behavior, but you understand that from the point of view of perfection, the existence of everything is necessary in order for perfection to be perfect. The ugly must exist for there to be beauty, and the evil must exist for there to be nobility of mind.