Shortest verse: 15 letters in 1 Kings 4:18 שמעי בן אלא בבנימן Shimei the son of Elah, in Benjamin:
Longest verse: 138 letters in 1 Kings 2:5 וגם אתה ידעת את אשר עשה לי יואב בן צרויה אשר עשה לשני שרי צבאות ישראל לאבנר בן נר ולעמשא בן יתר ויהרגם וישם דמי מלחמה בשלם ויתן דמי מלחמה בחגרתו אשר במתניו ובנעלו אשר ברגליו Moreover thou knowest also what Joab the son of Zeruiah did to me, [and] what he did to the two captains of the hosts of Israel, unto Abner the son of Ner, and unto Amasa the son of Jether, whom he slew, and shed the blood of war in peace, and put the blood of war upon his girdle that [was] about his loins, and in his shoes that [were] on his feet.
The original Bible was created using the 22 Hebrew letters. See Bible FAQ.
The original Bible has been scientifically proven to be the unique singular Word Of GOD. It was created by GOD with encoded messaging to humanity on four different levels. The original Bible is one long-coded string of 1.2 million Hebrew letters that never changed. Each of the 22 Hebrew letters is coded with two numbers between 1 and 510. A change of even one letter will hinder GOD’s coded message.
The WORD OF GOD is ONE word made of 1,197,000 Hebrew letters. Each of the 22 Hebrew letters is coded with two unique values between 1 to 510. The scientific code2GOD (32 mathematical methods) allows the decoding God messaging to humanity of the original Bible in an extremely accurate way.
A change of even one letter in the string word of 1,197,000 will void the coding in the WORD OF GOD. The WORD OF GOD is coded with scientific data not yet known to humans, as well as information on how humans were “wired”, ways to maximize our social relationships, and those with God and nature.