Original Bible Foundation Files Patent for Groundbreaking Decoding System to Uncover God’s Messaging to Humanity

Original Bible Foundation is a non-religious, scientific, charity 501c3. We decode the original Bible and successfully discover GOD’s messaging to humanity using the scientific code2GOD system. We hold the answers to the world’s most sought-after questions. We debunk religious myths, scares, and manipulations.
Original Bible Foundation Files Patent for Groundbreaking Decoding System to Uncover God’s Messaging to Humanity

The US Patent Office officially recorded the groundbreaking 54-page patent application, entitled “THE CODE2GOD SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DERIVING GOD’S MESSAGING TO HUMANITY FROM THE ORIGINAL BIBLE IN HEBREW” on January 27, 2023. The patent has been assigned to the Original Bible Foundation, a scientific and non-religious organization, and its director, Don Juravin, the inventor. 


The three-part patent application was filed by >attorney Christopher Scott from West Dundee, Illinois, and is available online. It took nearly three years to construct the 32 mathematical codes that form the code2GOD decoding system. While the value of each of the 22 Hebrew letters has been known since ancient times, the Original Bible Foundation invented all the codes to create the complete decoding system. However, only 17 of the codes were revealed in the patent application, as Don Juravin mentioned that the codes that were not yet filed are too complex to comprehend, addressing the ultimate quest of humanity – the afterlife and the ability to alter the past.

The Original Bible Foundation aims to discover God’s messaging to humanity from the original Bible in Hebrew, which debunks religious myths, scares, and manipulations. As Don Juravin stated, “It’s unfortunate that many televangelists are such good salespeople that they make up their own unfounded interpretation of God, reward, and events. Worse of all, they speak on behalf of God using their very simple human logic, and there is no one to confront them with the truth.”

Is the code2GOD system real and scientific?

God’s messaging to humanity is based on math and science, making it more precise than attempting to convey a concept or idea using the English language. For example, when we say, “he was drinking,” it is left up to the listeners or readers to interpret. However, stating “wine 70 yayin יין” in coded Biblical text is mathematically equivalent to “secret 70 sod סוד,” representing the wisdom of “Wine in, secret out.”

According to Don Juravin, “We don’t trust our human minds,” and results are cross-referenced for almost every finding and matched against at least the last 7,000 years or beyond. The Original Bible Foundation is committed to continuing its research and discoveries to unlock the secrets hidden within the original Bible in Hebrew, and looks forward to sharing its findings with the world.

Discoveries highlights from the code2GOD system:

Disaster/big trouble is an opportunity, says God

In Biblical Hebrew, the letters of a word may be rearranged, resulting in the formation of new words that retain the same exact value. Such words are imbued with GOD’s messaging to humanity, taking the form of parables for leading a wise and successful life.

code2GOD #7a explained
Image Credits: Original Bible Foundation

Example 1 The words “tzara צרה” and “tzohar צהר” share the same word value and can be rearranged from the letters of the other. This reveals a parable, instructing individuals to seek out opportunities for growth and success during times of trouble and to remain cautious and aware of potential setbacks during times of prosperity.

Forever having to fight for your livelihood (bread), is the default

code2GOD #5b explained
Image Credits: Original Bible Foundation

Forever, humans will fight for the land and shed blood

code2GOD #5a explained
Image Credits: Original Bible Foundation

Rearranging the order of the letters within a word or breaking them down into sub-words can yield a message or a story with the same word value.

What can the code2GOD system discover?


Interestingly, during the selection process for the patent attorney to write this “divine patent,” many attorneys were overwhelmed, lost, confused, or simply in disbelief. Don Juravin, the director of Original Bible Foundation, mentioned that he interviewed multiple attorneys before finally selecting Christopher Scott for the task. Attorney Scott even mentioned that he wished to see the expression on the face of the patent examiner who would be approving the patent for “decoding God’s messaging to humanity.” He believes that this patent has the potential to be the greatest patent ever filed in America – a method to communicate with, or at the very least, understand God.

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