GOD has told us many things, through the Torah and the prophets: that he created the world, that he oversees it, that there is no GOD but him, that he has chosen us to be a virtuous people, that he gives reward and punishment, and more. But how does he tell us the truth? How can we know that he is not lying to us or deceiving us? After all, we have no way of verifying his words. What if our whole belief is built on lies?
This question can be extended even further, beyond the credibility of the Bible. Suppose there is a creator for the world, who said he is good?
Maybe he is bad or indifferent? Maybe he created humans to abuse them? How can we know?
Let’s start by saying that many people do not have these questions at all. They existentially and utterly experience the goodness of GOD, and their faith in him is unquestionable.
They do not have a mental answer to these questions, but they do not need such an answer, just as a mentally healthy person is not bothered by thoughts like “Maybe I do not exist.”
It is an illustration of the tension that exists on many issues between existential certainty and intellectual skepticism. The mind is able to raise doubts about everything, but existential certainty ignores these doubts because it is clear they are wrong. The discussion below is therefore intended only for those who do not share the same existential certainty, and want to receive an intellectual answer to their question: How do you know that GOD is not evil?
The truth is that it is impossible to know, but it is precisely from this that it becomes clear why this question should not bother us.
GOD has told us many things. But how do we believe him? Why would we believe him? In this world of deception, why would we take the word of anyone, including GOD? We are told GOD is good, but that may not be the case. So many blindly believe that GOD is good, but some people question this. Is he/she really a good god?
In the ancient world, people believed in GOD or “the GODs” naturally, without any logical proof. The very fact that this belief appeared in all ancient cultures without exception testifies to its intuitiveness. It was only at a later stage, around the sixth century BCE, that philosophers began to appear in Greece, China, and India questioning the evidence of GOD.
They formulated logical and intellectual arguments about the existence of GOD. This question became one of the most central and debated philosophical issues of all time during this era. These philosophers assumed that no link existed between the prophecy and the inspiration of the divine.
This assumption created a division between man and GOD. Infinite philosophical literature has been written about the evidence of the existence of GOD. The resulting body of thought produced by Byzantine complexity is beyond the scope of this book. Instead, this book presents an overview of the main arguments in favor of GOD’s existence.
The concept of GOD and religion is intuitive to humans. This is proven by the fact that every continent and ancient culture had a form of religion in which they worshipped their GOD or GODs.
However, as man started to rely on intellect instead of intuition, the questioning of GOD began. The men of intellect, the philosophers, tried to show that there was no divine or link to the divine. However, there are links, and there is proof if one looks for it. I looked for it, and in this book, I’m sharing my intellectual proof that GOD exists.