In Genesis, GOD informs Eve and Adam about their options and the costs of taking risks. In short, knowledge and good/bad wisdom for the cost (free will) of mortality and uncertainty. Humans have the option to end their lives which is the most extreme free will in one’s life. Therefore, one has the free will to do ANYTHING in the range up to the extreme.
Voice: Woman

Eve And Adam

In Genesis, GOD informs Eve and Adam about their options and the costs of taking risks. The cost for acquiring the knowledge plus the ability (or knowledge) to differentiate between good and bad, is to be mortal and to live in uncertainty. In short, knowledge and good/bad wisdom for the cost (free will) of mortality and uncertainty.

Humans have the option to end their lives which is the most extreme free will in one’s life. Therefore, one has the free will to do ANYTHING in the range up to the extreme.

Eve, the first human on earth to exercise free will with knowledge and wisdom, decided that free will was worth dying for and even to live a life of uncertainty. Moreover, Eve, being wise and knowledgeable after eating from the “knowledge tree of good and bad,” decided that her husband, Adam, should do so as well.

Remember, once Eve ate the “forbidden fruit,” she was wiser and more knowledgeable than Adam, and yet, she decided that exercising free will is worth paying for with living in uncertainty and even dying for it.

The serpent (snake) exercised its free will as well by sharing its wisdom and knowledge.

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