Generations of exiled Jews rarely learn how to correctly relate to GOD. Instead of great awe of exaltation, and out of that, a little awe of punishment, only the awe of punishment remained. Instead of having love, a sense of partnership, and connection with GOD, there remains only fear of a firm force from which it is impossible to escape. Only the submission that creates a slavish soul remains. This is the most horrible thing that can happen when GOD is perceived as a force or material and rude dictator who enslaves his subjects in a rage.
Fulfillment is also thinking that GOD is external to us and forcing us to do things that are against our will. The disconnection that people create in this way between them and GOD, stems from the fact that their will is not automatically the will of GOD. Man feels compelled to fulfill GOD’s will only out of necessity, only because GOD is stronger than he.
In such a situation, even the most sublime, beautiful, and moral things a person performs out of fear and dread, not out of noble spiritual and moral aspirations. In such a situation, he has no real reason to keep the commandments, and he has no way of understanding GOD. Everything is forced and dictated from above without logic and reason.