GOD has nobody and is not transparent. He is not an old grandfather sitting in the sky handing out candy, nor is he a cruel dictator who beats people. Although many have these concepts of GOD, it is clear that such concepts are childish and wrong.
It is also wrong to define GOD as a “supreme power.” His definition as such implies that he is only one force within diverse realities, and he created everything. Although GOD, in the simple sense, is defined as the possessor of all powers, “supreme power” is only one of his expressions.
As long as one understands this, the understanding is correct, but when one presents the concept of GOD as a “supreme power” as the one and only definition, it is a mistake that results from inaccuracy and misunderstanding.
Definitions of GOD as “love,” “absolute beauty,” “absolute good,” or the like are also inappropriate. It is true that we feel GOD within love and beauty, but love and beauty themselves are concepts within our limited world, and it is clear that the one who created everything is not limited by what he created.