Some argue that the people in those ancient times were stupid and primitive, and it was easy to deceive them and sell them stories that were nonsensical. But this claim expresses nothing but the arrogance of modern man, and has nothing to rely on. True, previous generations did not have the scientific knowledge that exists today, but that does not mean they were stupid or retarded with diminishing mental capacities. We probably also lack scientific knowledge to be discovered in the future, and that does not make us utterly stupid as well. The merchants, statesmen, military ministers, and artists of those generations were probably no less shrewd and clever than their contemporary counterparts, as can be seen from the various historical descriptions, and could not be sold lies as if they were foolish or fools. Rather, in those days, people had to be well connected to reality in order to survive: to know the conditions of the terrain, the weather, the different types of plants and animals and so on.
This is in contrast to contemporary people, living in a world flooded with entertainment, movies, media and fiction, and largely detached from the world of nature and simple reality. The achievements of ancient generations in fields such as architecture, astronomy, agriculture, medicine, engineering and other fields are astonishing and testify to their great intelligence and resourcefulness. Of course, as in any society, there were people among them with different levels of education and intelligence. But if the entire People of Israel, known throughout history for their wisdom and cleverness, accepted the belief in tradition, there is no justification for accusing our Biblical ancestors of stupidity just because they lived a long time ago.