“But the GOD who is not above all reality who can bring into us from him some emotion and idea, he and everything that is above all emotion and idea in us is to our value nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing the mind will not be able to rest. Tired and tired in the wind…”
And the scholar Kook continues, “But the GOD who is not above all reality who can enter into us from him what emotion and idea is “We seek the perfect, and the perfect seems to exist,” and all that is above all emotion and idea in us is to our value nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing can mind rest.” As we learned in stage one, everything we say about GOD is not true. The Rabbi says here that what is above all, in fact, does not exist for us.
For example, suppose there are aliens who cannot be sensed in any way and cannot be communicated with at all. It could very well be that they surround each of us at this moment. But this fact is utterly meaningless. Because they are above our senses and our perception, they do not exist. What is above all simply is not. It turns out, then, from what we said at the stage of “what is not GOD,” that there really is no GOD.