At this point, some wise man will probably arise and claim: “Who said GOD is the reason for the existence of the world? Maybe it’s the flying spaghetti monster?” Well, one might as well ask: “Who said gravity is what causes objects to fall? The invisible?” It’s clear that this is an out-of-place question, since the first reason for the existence of the world, we call “GOD”, and it doesn’t matter what other features it has.
There will be those who will argue that gravity has an advantage over GOD as an explanation for phenomena since gravity also has predictions for the future that confirm its existence, which is not true of GOD’s existence. There are several answers to this: First, not every explanation must also have predictions for the future. For example, if we find a giant crater on Earth, we can explain it by assuming the existence of a giant meteor that collided with Earth somewhere in the distant past (even if we have never heard of such meteors).
This is a perfectly legitimate explanation, even though it does not necessarily have predictions for the future — we are not obligated to say that a similar meteor will hit Earth again sometime. The same is true of the object found on Mars. The theory that someone created it does not have to be predictive, for it to be considered a good explanation for its existence. The same is true of the existence of the universe and the laws of nature. The existence of GOD is an explanation for them, even without a prediction for the future.
Second, one can say that the existence of GOD includes prophecies. For example, if GOD established the laws of nature, we can predict that they will be uniform throughout the universe, even in parts of it that we have not yet reached. Or that the laws of nature will continue to exist even in the distant future. There is something to be discussed in these claims, but let’s not go into that right now.
Third, if we go through a sharp transition from the GOD described so far, to the GOD of Judaism for example, and attribute to the creator of the universe also the attribute of being the giver of the Torah, then we can say that the fulfillment of Torah prophecies, like the survival of Israel in exile, is a kind of predictive accuracy.
For these are prophecies we would not expect to see without GOD.