If we were to ask someone who has no idea about our universe, what he thinks a planned universe should look like and what a randomly created universe would look like, he would probably answer that a planned universe would have laws, complexity, diverse creatures, consciousness, and constant progress.
An unplanned universe, if in general, such a thing is possible, there will probably be chaos that leads nowhere, and if something happens to it, it would soon be destroyed. Certainly there is no reason for it to have things like consciousness, morality, or the People of Israel.
Then we would remove the “veil of ignorance” and show the same questioner the universe as it is today, about its exact laws of nature, the variety of living beings, and humanity on the whole of its works and achievements in all fields.
Which of the two options is more reasonable? Is it not clear that our universe contains too many surprising “leaps” to assume that it is the product of blind chance? When one considers the arguments expressed in this evidence (and other philosophical evidence, which is not presented here), then the existence of GOD becomes extremely rational and plausible. This is not a blind belief, a “flying spaghetti monster” or an “imaginary friend” as many atheists mock, but a very rational belief, based on mental arguments, held by many good minds, philosophers and scholars in human history.
Even if there is no absolute certainty here, there are still very good reasons to believe in GOD. And so we live our lives in every area not according to absolute proofs that do not exist in any subject in the world, but according to what seems reasonable, logical, and convincing. And enough of the evidence we have brought shows that the existence of GOD is certainly plausible, logical, and convincing.