It is essential to understand that “absolute proof” does not exist, neither here nor in any subject. Every proof, including the logic itself, is derived from assumptions, which in themselves are not inherently provable or reasonable, but simply seem logical and intuitive.
In any case, the rational approach to the argument is not to insist on evidence, but instead to examine
the arguments and accept those that seem most reasonable and convincing.
After all, this is how people decide the most critical issues in their lives – not based on evidence but based on reasonableness and common sense. There is no reason to raise the bar when it comes to believing in GOD.
There is no way to prove or disprove the existence of GOD. Proof is just the logical assumption that something is real or not. So instead of demanding absolute hard proof, which is not available for most things we believe, examine the arguments. Look at what is being said on each side and believe those that are reasonable and logical to you. This is how we decide most things in life—we choose what makes the most sense to us and our life. Don’t change your decision-making process just because the question is about GOD.