The 2,000 years mystery is now solved. The Vatican is expected to correct its New Testament remarks. This art proves that Jesus was aware of the codes that make the code2GOD. It also provides a basis for the claim that GOD spoke through Jesus.
The art reveals four codes in John 21:6,8,11 153 fish, 100 yards, right side, fish
153 fish is coded from Hebrew for “GOD & I (61)אלהים(86) ואני” 100 yards is coded for “GOD LOVES (14)אלהים(86) אוהב” “right side” is coded for “trust & faith” (see illustration)
Decoded from Hebrew, “fish dag 7 דג” is a blessing and is an anagram for “gad גד mazal” fortune, while “luck mazal מזל” is 77.
For the first time in history, the official dimensions of the Christian fish symbol ichthys are decoded to stand for love, being alive, and materialistic luck. All numbers combined are equal to 430 soul nefesh נפש.