NO. There is no physical place mentioned by GOD in the original Bible relating to a wonderful euphoric place like heaven. If reaching such a wonderful place was conditioned upon certain terms and behavior, GOD would have mentioned it, or else it may be a tricky GOD which we don’t want to follow? The feeling of “heaven,” however, does exist. When you’re in love or when you reach any such high emotional state. In short, heaven is here. Would you want me to prove it to you?
Find Your Heaven Right Now
Do you believe that heaven is a wonderful place you should inspire to be? Do you really believe that heaven is better than life on earth? If you answered “yes”, then would you end your life right now and move there, to heaven? I would guess your answer is “no” and therefore the conclusion is that:
You’re not sure that there is a better place than earth, or Earth is better, or as difficult as life may be, you can’t leave your family, friends, or your goals behind. Conclusion: there is no physical heaven or if there is, it’s here on earth and you can live it.
Where Is Heaven?
For you, as human, and as proven in the previous answer, heaven is here, on earth, when you understand life and GOD. Your soul nefesh 430 נפש or higher soul neshama 395 נשמה, however, may be joining the others’ souls.
Will I Go To Heaven?
This answer is only partly based on code2GOD since we have not fully analyzed the “soul נפש” and the higher “soul נשמה”. In fact, we’ve learned that subjects are revealed to Don Juravin when GOD decides so. The matter of the soul has been asked from GOD in the last 2-3 years and has not been answered.
We can only assume that it’s because we are yet to determine what is “I” that we wish to preserve for the afterlife. What is the unique parameter that identifies “I” which is similar to a social security ID or a fingerprint that we wish will continue to the “next world.” Since our bodies are merely flesh, we have first to identify the world or the “higher soul.”