Before we continue, we need to explain an important philosophical point whose understanding will help us later.
We understand everything in the world only through its actions and through what you see, hear or feel from it. We have no ability to comprehend what the thing itself really is. The only way people understand things is solely through their actions, that is, the way they interact in the world. We see only a white rectangle and say to ourselves “this is a wall.” If we really think about it, we can in no way know that it really is a wall. And what is the real thing that is this white rectangle?
What we see, feel, smell or experience will never be the thing itself but its actions and appearances, and according to these actions and appearances we decide in our mind what the thing is. The reference to everything and anything, in reality,
We have no understanding or perception of the essence of the thing.
This is true of walls, it is also true of other people, and it is true even of ourselves. A person cannot know, you are his true essence, but only through his appearance in the world. For example, a person can say “I did not know I was capable of this; I surprised myself!” He experiences strange experiences with the creature he is stuck in and occasionally discovers and learns more about himself.